Since October 25th, my friend and I have played Sporcle everyday in excel (aka home room). Sporcle is a website with a bunch of different trivia games. I excel in the Disney ones and she does best in the RuPauls Drag Race ones. It has so many quizzes and it’s actually really fun. Since the account was made, we’ve played 261 quizzes. Which is about 2 quizzes every school day (not including absences). It’s a very fun website that I definitely recommend checking it out (that’s my profile below ;)) .
Friday, May 18, 2018
Monday, May 14, 2018
I Never Saw Another Butterfly
Tuesday, May 1, 2018
Life Is No Longer Beautiful
Spoilers for Life is Beautiful ahead!
This movie is the sad holocaust movie to end all sad holocaust movies. It’s the story of a you boy and his father and mother. They’re in a concentration camp, and to make everything easier on him, they act as if the entire camp is a game. The saddest part is when the father was shot. All he wanted was the best for his son and because of him, his son was able to survive. I cried at the end but the son gets to go back with his mother. This story has a somewhat of a happy ending and the storyline of it all is so sad and touching.
Thursday, April 12, 2018
Driving Glasses
This didn’t happen to me but it’s equally hilarious. My sister had just gotten a new car (which she crashed, rest up Cruisey) and she got glasses so she can see when she drives. It had been a week since she’d gotten the car and we were taking it to my cousin since he’s a mechanic and the car was used. We had everything ready and her papers were on top of their car. We drove off. Her papers on top of the car. We stopped at a stop sign to see them all over the street. We run out and pick up all the papers and everything was good. My sister literally drives an inch more to hear a crunch. My sister ran over her driving glasses. She has had them for 1 month. What did we learn? Wear your driving glasses while driving.
Wednesday, April 11, 2018
Summer! And The Next Shcool Year!
I’m so excited for summer this year! My birthday is June 8th, so my mom wants to travel. We’d leave the 7th to Colombia and stay for 4 days. After, then we’d meet some family in Ecuador and stay for 10 days. Once I get back, I’d volunteer at the day care I went to when I was younger and work with the itty bitty babies. Once the school year starts, I still don’t know which school but decision day is Friday, and I’d work at Scelebrations. If you don’t know what that is, it’s a quince dress store/boutique. Anyways, I plan to work there and start saving up for my quince and hopefully might get a discount on my own dress. I’m so excited! What are your plans for summer/school year?
Saturday, March 31, 2018
Last SOL :(
Today is March 31st. This means that this is my last slice of life. This was really fun for me. I enjoyed sharing parts of my life with the 3 people that read these blogs. This was really fun and I most definitely recommend trying this if you have the chance. I probably won’t be blogging as often but I will still blog often. I wish you all a happy Easter and spring break. Thank you for joining me on the journey of slice of life. I’ll do this next year if they don’t deactivate my school account. :)
Friday, March 30, 2018
Highschools, Again
I got my rejection letter from my dream highschool today! I figured if I said it enthusiastically it’d seem happier. I’m pretty devastated. To be fair, they were only accepting 15 kids from the theatre portion. I’m happy for those 15 kids that made it, but I’m also upset that I’m not one of the 15. I can always try again for round 2. I did get into a selective enrollment school, Westinghouse Highschool. It’s a hard school to get into but I guess I made the cut. Out of 16,500 students that applied to selective enrollment, only 4,800 actually are offered to be a student at a school they applied for. This does make me feel better, but I don’t know what to do. If you have any advice that’d be greatly appreciated.
Thursday, March 29, 2018
Florida 🌴
I have a lot of family that lives in Florida so we go often. My sister, cousin, her boyfriend, and I were all walking in downtown Orlando. While we were walking, my cousins boyfriend noticed that the guy in front of us was wearing the same shirt as him. My cousin, Tony, and her boyfriend were walking slightly ahead of us. Ever so slickly, her boyfriend slipped behind her so she was near the guy with the same shirt. Tony goes up to the guy, kisses him, and then slaps him for not kissing back. She did all that without realizing that’s not her boyfriend. She got so embarrassed she turned around and slapped her boyfriend. It’s still one of the funniest things to ever happen to me.
Wednesday, March 28, 2018
Monopoly. Your family friendly game that teaches you about money. My cousin Gino is obsessed with monopoly. He goes to a boarding school so him and his friends play all the time. As you may know, monopoly is a very long game. This one time, my cousins came over and we played monopoly for 9 hours. My cousins were sleeping over and we decided to play monopoly. It was my sister, Gino, his brother, and I when we started. It was around 6 o’clock when we started the game. Around 10, we decided to go to Walgreens and get snacks since none of us have gotten out yet. We drive to Walgreens, buy energy drinks and chips and we’re back within 20 minutes. We start the game up again at roughly 10:30. Finally, at around 1 am, my sister goes bankrupt. My cousins and I play until Josh (Gino’s brother) also goes bankrupt shortly after my sister. He didn’t stay bankrupt, his brother wanted me out of the game, so he gave him one of his hotels and if I landed on it he’d keep the money. Of course I landed on the hotel so I payed the $2,000 and Josh was no longer bankrupt. It’s 2 am when Josh goes bankrupt again and stays bankrupt. Gino and I are head to head, both of us with properties everywhere, it wasn’t much longer until one of us lost. Finally around 3:30 am, I go bankrupt and Gino is left with $200. We all went to sleep and played for another 5 hours the next morning. Gino also won that round. In the end, we learned that if we’re going to play, start early, and that Gino will always win.
Tuesday, March 27, 2018
Christmas !
There is 273 days until Christmas! Christmas is my favorite holiday, well, Christmas Eve. I celebrate Christmas Eve more than Christmas Day. Christmas day is meant for opening gifts and eating leftovers. On Christmas Eve, my family goes to my uncles house around 9 at night and eat and bond and play lotería. At midnight we open gifts that we got for each other. All the younger kids play with each other toys and the older kids exchange gift cards. This year, on Christmas Day we flew out to Texas to visit our other cousins. I was disappointed because it was in the 50s and I expected it to be like 90. I was upset about that but I got to see my family and that’s the important thing. I wasn’t too thrilled about coming back to a lot of snow, but I’m used to it. I had a point on where this blog was going but it went all over the place so merry Christmas!
Monday, March 26, 2018
Another Best of Berwyn Blog
Today was my follow up interview for Best of Berwyn! It was at 6 today and I think I did good. I shook hands and was polite. There were 5 judges, 4 men and 1 woman. They asked me questions like “If you had 1 million dollars and could spend it in 3 ways, how would you spend it?” They also asked about politics and such. It didn’t take very long, my interview lasted about 15 minutes. It felt like 5, but I probably spent the first 5 minutes shaking hands and introducing myself. Since I’m in the top ten, even if I don’t win, I get to sit at the big table and get served my food first. This is also exciting because a close friend of mine also made it into the top ten, so at the banquet I won’t look like an idiot just sitting there not talking. I hope I did well, I think I did. My goal is at least get higher than 4th, but that’s because my sister did this and she got 4th so I want to be better. It’s been a big day, but we won’t know who won until May 2nd. It’s only 37 days away, but who’s counting? 
Sunday, March 25, 2018
I tried for many highschools, all CPS, and they are going to get back to me within the next 2 weeks! That’s the most stressful thing ever! I took the first test in October to see if I could even take the test to see what schools want me. I passed the first test and took the second one in early December. The first test took about an hour since it was a standard MAP test. The second test, was like the ISAT with a paper and pencil and filling in bubbles. This test took 6 hours! It’s been almost 4 months and they’re barely going to tell me my results in a week or two. Plus, my top school, Chiarts, isn’t going to tell me if I got in or not until mid to late April! If I don’t get into any schools than I have no where to go. I told my mom if I don’t get into at least two schools I’d try for Cristo Rey. The only thing is that it’s a private school and they’re really expensive. The thing is you pay for half of your tuition because on Fridays you work instead of having a school day. It’d still be expensive and it’s too late for scholarships so let’s just hope I get into a public school. What highschool are you going to go to?
Saturday, March 24, 2018
March For Our Lives
Today I participated in the march for our lives in downtown Chicago. I personally love coming to marches. I went with some family friends and my bestfriend Janet. It was a really touching movement and I’m glad I was able to be a part of it. My poster said “My school dress code shouldn’t be stricter than gun control laws”. People took lots of pictures of me and I was interviewed twice! I also bought one of the signature matching hats but it’s a rainbow to show support for the lgbtq+ community. I took a lot of pictures too, and I’m really proud of them. If you’ve never marched, I recommend it. It’s a way to show you care and it’s not only fun reading all the signs. Listening to all the speakers before is really touching. We walked for 3 hours but it didn’t feel that long. I may no longer have a voice but it was most definitely worth it.
This is Janet and I! I’m the one with the rainbow hat :) I’m not sure why it’s sideways but that’s us with the signs :))
Friday, March 23, 2018
Best of Berwyn Continued
I got a callback! My interview is Monday at 6! My mom got the call at 9 this morning and I was freaking out because my friends were telling me about their next interview. After calling my mom 3 times she finally admitted she got the call this morning and wanted to surprise me. I was so excited! I did a happy scream stomp that only known to Colombians. I report to my friends and that leaves us with plenty of questions. Is this the final 10? If so, how were they able to eliminate 30 people? Are they going to tell the people who didn’t get in? Is there going to be another dog? We don’t know the sure answer to any of these. There is only one question I wish I knew the answer to. Is there going to be another dog?
yay for Friends gifs, too!
edit: I’m in the top 10! The callback was to assure me that I was in the top 10, my mom just didn’t tell me. My interview is Monday and i’m freaking out! Wish me luck
Thursday, March 22, 2018
The Best of Berwyn
Today I had an interview for the Best of Berwyn! If you don’t know what that is, basically every year, the city of Berwyn acknowledges an 8th grader that is considered the Best of Berwyn. I’m trying this year and I had my interview today. I think I did well, I made them laugh, I shook hands, and I used my manners. There were 3 interviews, a before (how do you feel, what do you do for fun, etc), the actual thing (why do you want to be Best of Berwyn), and lastly the end (how was it, what’s family like, are you hungry). My sister did Best of Berwyn and she placed 4th, so there’s a lot of pressure on me. I tried my best and that’s all that matters, right? I was really scared for the second interview/the actual thing but when i walked in, a lady was holding a dog! He was 3 months old and she just got him that day! His owner also has 9 other dogs! I aspire to be her when I’m older. Sincerely I think I did pretty good. I have high hopes that I will get a second interview, there will be a follow up on the topic Monday, when they tell us if we get a second interview. I will let you know whenever I find out!
(I noticed that I type as if I’m talking to you in real life but I only expect 2 people to actually read this)
(I noticed that I type as if I’m talking to you in real life but I only expect 2 people to actually read this)
Wednesday, March 21, 2018
Why I Shouldn’t Be Allowed In Public
I have a tendency of being a terrible person to bring to stores. One time, my cousin and I were at the Target near her house (yes, the “ah my smoothie” one). The day before I had gone to a garage sale and found some Heelies. If you are unfamiliar on what those are, it’s the shoes with the wheels in the heels. Anyways, we were at Target and the floors there are amazing for rolling on. My cousin was pushing me around the store and we were zooming past aisles and confusing people. One of the people we had confused was the manager. She came up to me and politely asked me to stop. My cousin and I said ‘ok’ and got back to rolling around the store. At one point my cousin pushed me so hard that I started to lose balance. So, naturally, I reached for a clothing rack and balanced myself. Little did I know I was not the only thing on wheels. I got my balance and that was when I realized the racks had moved around and I had hit somebody. This is when you ask yourself who I had hit. Nonetheless I had hit the manager who had told me to stop. My cousin went sprinting out the door already and left me alone. I apologized to the lady and she politely asked me to leave the store. I did as she asked except I rolled away. I could feel her angry stare at me but I live far away from that Target so I don’t have to worry about that anymore. I do still go to that Target all the time with my cousin and we occasionally see the manager but she just smiles and walks away. I don’t think she’ll ever know it was me unless I bring in the Heelies, which I still have, and I plan to.
Tuesday, March 20, 2018
Birthdays! 🎉
Today is my moms birthday! This is more of an appreciation post for my loving mother. My mom has always been there for me. There’s been times where I was mad st her but we’ve always gotten through it. A little background on my mom, she is the youngest out of 7. She was born and raised in Colombia and cane to the states when she was 14. When she came here she was supposed to be a freshman in highschool but made her redo the 8th grade. When graduation comes around, they say she can’t graduate because she still isn’t speaking english well enough but still got good grades. Fast forward, she said whatever, went to highschool, and halfway through freshman year the school took her back and made her finish the school year as an 8th grader. Fast forward, she has my sister and theyre a loving family, 4 years later I come along. We moved to house, where I still live, and stayed the happy and loving family. My mom has always been there for my sister and I. She worked her long hours to make sure we would stay safe. I love my mom so much and I’m so grateful that she is so loving to my sister and I.
yay for Parks and Recreation gifs!
Restaurants 😋
I know I’ve been doing many lists lately but it’s filled with useful information! These restaurants are mostly chains and some local, but I highly recommend them.
- Millers Ale House; a sports bar
- Olive Garden; chain you can find almost anywhere
- Insomnia Cookies; cookies/ice cream parlor in downtown Chicago
- Yia Yias; local breakfast food restaurant
- Blueberry Hill Cafe; a small pancake house
- The Original Pancake House; the name speaks for itself
- Lou Malnatis; salad and pizza chain
- Home Run Inn; Chicago pizzaria
- Lalos; not quite sure if it’s a chain, but it’s authentic Mexican cuisine
- Panera; soup chain
- Pizza Platter; local restaurant but the cheese fries are to die for
- Bodhi; authentic Thai food
I tried my best to keep the list mostly chains, but if you live in/near Berwyn, I recommend these 100%
- Millers Ale House; a sports bar
- Olive Garden; chain you can find almost anywhere
- Insomnia Cookies; cookies/ice cream parlor in downtown Chicago
- Yia Yias; local breakfast food restaurant
- Blueberry Hill Cafe; a small pancake house
- The Original Pancake House; the name speaks for itself
- Lou Malnatis; salad and pizza chain
- Home Run Inn; Chicago pizzaria
- Lalos; not quite sure if it’s a chain, but it’s authentic Mexican cuisine
- Panera; soup chain
- Pizza Platter; local restaurant but the cheese fries are to die for
- Bodhi; authentic Thai food
I tried my best to keep the list mostly chains, but if you live in/near Berwyn, I recommend these 100%
Sunday, March 18, 2018
Things Are Getting Stranger
I tried coming up with a cool title for this blog but it’s just a list of some shows that you should most definitely watch and are available on Netflix:
- Stranger Things
- Riverdale (but Cole Sprouse/Jughead is mine)
- Parks and Recreation
- Friends
- Raising Hope
- (not on Netflix but worth watching) Catfish: The TV Show
- Nailed It
- Cupcake Wars
- Greys Anatomy
- Pretty Little Liars
- Black Mirror
- 13 Reasons Why (the book is better)
- The Good Place
I’ve watched all of these shows in the past year or so and I highly recommend them! And if you’re looking for something more watch-it-all-in-one-day then Stranger Things, Riverdale, and 13 Reasons Why only have at most 2 seasons. If you want more watch for a month straight then Greys Anatomy, Pretty Little Liars, Raising Hope, Friends, and Parks and Recreations have at most 14 seasons (and counting). I love all of these shows and I’m sure you will too! :)
- Stranger Things
- Riverdale (but Cole Sprouse/Jughead is mine)
- Parks and Recreation
- Friends
- Raising Hope
- (not on Netflix but worth watching) Catfish: The TV Show
- Nailed It
- Cupcake Wars
- Greys Anatomy
- Pretty Little Liars
- Black Mirror
- 13 Reasons Why (the book is better)
- The Good Place
I’ve watched all of these shows in the past year or so and I highly recommend them! And if you’re looking for something more watch-it-all-in-one-day then Stranger Things, Riverdale, and 13 Reasons Why only have at most 2 seasons. If you want more watch for a month straight then Greys Anatomy, Pretty Little Liars, Raising Hope, Friends, and Parks and Recreations have at most 14 seasons (and counting). I love all of these shows and I’m sure you will too! :)
Saturday, March 17, 2018
Why I Want To Be Indian
I want to be indian badly. Imagine marrying an indian. Indian weddings are beautiful! Plus, if I have an indian baby, it’ll have a tan skin color and blue eyes with light hair! That sounds like a beautiful baby to me, not sure about you. Plus, babies are adorable! And when you’re indian, you get to celebrate Holi! Holi is a holiday where people gather and throw colored sand at eachother. And India is absolutely beautiful! I just would honestly give anything to be indian and I’ve been wanting to be for the longest.
Friday, March 16, 2018
The Best Store Ever
I love going thrift shopping. Everything’s cheaper and you can find some really cool stuff. As a new years goal this year, everytime I go to a thrift shop I have to buy the weirdest, cheapest, and coolest thing there. Goodwill is a personal favorite. The one by my house is especially interesting. In one trip I saw heel-lass high heels, heels with a mirror front, a toaster purse, and a wallet with Elmo characters behind a gay pride flag. My favorite part is looking at the records. You can find really cheap records from amazing artists at Goodwill. Plus, if you look hard enough, you can find really cute clothes. Goodwill is literally the best store to ever be made, some of their stuff is new too! I just love Goodwill and would buy everything from there if that were an option.
Thursday, March 15, 2018
Dreams 💤
This isn’t the blog where I tell you where I see myself in 10 years, that’s further down. This one is a weird thing that happens with my dreams and how I’m probably magical. For a long time (this randomly stopped recently but went on for months) where I would wake up at random times in the middle of the night. Just wide awake from a nightmare I can’t remember. Then within 2 minutes I would be back asleep. There were times where I did remember a dream, but if I did, it’d come true. It is the scariest thing ever. For example, one of the times I only remembered was laying down and falling straight down. The next morning, I woke up and fell off of my bed almost immediately. It’s literally the weirdest thing. This went on for months and no one knew why. A couple of weeks ago it stopped and everything was ok. Then last night, I woke and a quick image flashed my mind and I fell asleep. What was the image you may ask? Anton Ego from Ratatouille.
Wednesday, March 14, 2018
The Random Crying Girl
I go to PetCo very often because of my many pets. I was at PetCo walking around with Benji and Bella (my dogs) because they get scared when waiting in line for their shots. I always have them in a cart with a bed so they can sit without getting uncomfortable. Benji was sitting in the front and Bella was 4 months at the time so she was sleeping behind him. I’m pushing them and a girl turn into the aisle we were in and sees Benji. She was on the verge of tears she was so excited to see him. She asked if she could pet him and I said ‘yeah just let him sniff you first because he is a brat and will bite you’. She took that as no big deal and started petting Benji-he’s chubby and fluffy so she got very excited-and Benji licked her and a tear nearly fell from her eye. Then, Bella woke up from her little nap and poked her head up behind Benji. This girl, let’s call her Ashely, started crying. Like actual full on tears, sobbing. She called over her boyfriend and immediately went “Ashely why are you-“ and then saw my dogs and he got very excited. So Ashely was sobbing, her boyfriend was petting Benji with Ashely, and Bella was biting Ashely’s sleeve. They stayed and took pictures, cried, and recorded for at least 20 minutes. I heard my mom whistle for me, so that meant it was time for Bella’s shots. I said that they had to go and Ashely, still crying, said by to my dogs. She didn’t say bye to me, but her boyfriend found manners and thanked me. I still can’t believe some girl started crying about my dog but I hope she ends up getting one for herself.
Tuesday, March 13, 2018
Many Many Pets
As of right now, I have 6 pets. 5 of them are my personal pets. First, I have my dog Benju. He's tiny and fat but will bite you if you touch me or my sister. I also have Bella. She is 10 months, bites a lot, but is super playful. Next I have my fish Eddie. Eddie is 3 years old and he is a carnival goldfish. After Eddie I have a small purple Beta fish named Lola. Lola is 1 year old and has 2 tank mates (get it, instead of roommates). Anyways, she shares a tank-more like a bowl, actually-with Barbra Streisand and Ducksauce. They are both snails that I bought for $2 about 1 month ago. Barbra Streisand is one of my favorite singers, hence naming my snail after her. Ducksauce is also an artist of upbeat 2010's music. I only know him because of his energetic songs on Just Dance. Those are all the pets I have, do you have any?
Monday, March 12, 2018
Small Appreciation Blog for Barbra Streisand and Cher
I love Barbra Streisand and Cher. I swear I was supposed to be this age in the 80’s. I have a purple turntable and 30 records, 22 of them being Barbra Streisand. Barbra is a living icon! She’s 75 years old but looks and acts like she is 40! She is also extremely talented! I have actually named one of my snails Barbra Streisand. It’s a minor obsession but if you’ve never listened to Barbra, I recommend it 100%.
I also love Cher. She is a very talented actress! She is my favorite character in one of my favorite movies: Burlesque. She is just so amazing and deserves a countless amount of oscars!
Sunday, March 11, 2018
Do Chickens Blink?
I know this is a very odd blog but I don’t know what to do with this newly learned information.
Chickens have 3 eyelids. Instead of blinking with the top and bottom one, they blink with a side one. The 3rd eyelid is a thin and transparent nictitating membrane eyelid that blinks from left to right. The chicken pulls the third eyelid up over the eye whenever it needs to clear some eye gunk or debris. When it’s not in use, it hides in the corner of the eye closest to the beak. When they’re sleeping, the lower lid is brought up to close the eye. So the top eyelid doesn’t move much at all. Now, if anyone ever asks you the question, ‘do chickens blink?’ You know exactly what to say.
Chickens have 3 eyelids. Instead of blinking with the top and bottom one, they blink with a side one. The 3rd eyelid is a thin and transparent nictitating membrane eyelid that blinks from left to right. The chicken pulls the third eyelid up over the eye whenever it needs to clear some eye gunk or debris. When it’s not in use, it hides in the corner of the eye closest to the beak. When they’re sleeping, the lower lid is brought up to close the eye. So the top eyelid doesn’t move much at all. Now, if anyone ever asks you the question, ‘do chickens blink?’ You know exactly what to say.
Saturday, March 10, 2018
The Best Movies 🎞
-Quick disclaimer: I am sick once again and on medicines, I’m trying my best-
I love movies. Well, who doesn’t? I can never choose which movie is my favorite, so here is a list of the best ones:
• Hercules - it’s the best Disney movie
• Spider-man: Homecoming
• Jumanji - the original and remake
• Wonder Woman
• Burlesque- has been a favorite since I was 7 (don’t watch the movie with a 7 year old, though)
• How the Grinch Stole Christmas- live action version is the best
• Ratatouille- you meet the main character because he jumped through a window!
• Now You See Me - a fun joke: When my sister and I were watching it, I looked at her and asked her if Morgan Freeman was Nelson Mandela. When she said no I said, “I thought Morgan Freeman was white”. I was 9
• Scooby-Doo - live action version
• Shrek - all of them. If you google “theatrical gold”, Shrek will come up
Those are 10 movies I highly recommend watching! If you don’t, that’s a-ok too. Just know that you’re missing out.
I love movies. Well, who doesn’t? I can never choose which movie is my favorite, so here is a list of the best ones:
• Hercules - it’s the best Disney movie
• Spider-man: Homecoming
• Jumanji - the original and remake
• Wonder Woman
• Burlesque- has been a favorite since I was 7 (don’t watch the movie with a 7 year old, though)
• How the Grinch Stole Christmas- live action version is the best
• Ratatouille- you meet the main character because he jumped through a window!
• Now You See Me - a fun joke: When my sister and I were watching it, I looked at her and asked her if Morgan Freeman was Nelson Mandela. When she said no I said, “I thought Morgan Freeman was white”. I was 9
• Scooby-Doo - live action version
• Shrek - all of them. If you google “theatrical gold”, Shrek will come up
Those are 10 movies I highly recommend watching! If you don’t, that’s a-ok too. Just know that you’re missing out.
Friday, March 9, 2018
🍧My Favorite Foods🍧
As you can tell from the title, here is a list of my favorite foods:
- Mangonadas
• mango ice cream with fresh mangoes and different spices
- Any kind of ice cream
• I'm technically lactose intolerant but that won’t stop me
- Mac and cheese
• as seen from my previous few blogs, I’m not allowed to make it
- Cereal
• I’m literally obsessed with cereal, I eat it everyday
- candy
• pretty self explanatory
- McDonald’s
• I actually performed an 8 minute monologue about how amazing good ol’ Mickey D’s is
- Mr. Sub
• a forever favorite
This list could go on and on but these are my favorites and if you’ve never tried them before I highly recommend it.
- Mangonadas
• mango ice cream with fresh mangoes and different spices
- Any kind of ice cream
• I'm technically lactose intolerant but that won’t stop me
- Mac and cheese
• as seen from my previous few blogs, I’m not allowed to make it
- Cereal
• I’m literally obsessed with cereal, I eat it everyday
- candy
• pretty self explanatory
- McDonald’s
• I actually performed an 8 minute monologue about how amazing good ol’ Mickey D’s is
- Mr. Sub
• a forever favorite
This list could go on and on but these are my favorites and if you’ve never tried them before I highly recommend it.
Thursday, March 8, 2018
Me and My Tendency’s
I have a tendency of leaving my house in pajamas and throwing my hair up into a messy bun. Yesterday on picture day I changed out of my dress and into sweatpants and an old shirt. Someone came up to me today and asked “How can you not be concerned about being judged from dressing so bum-y?” I thought about it and it’s for a few reasons. I am comfortable and don’t feel like changing, or it’s my only clean clothes. I really don’t care about my appearance and once you stop judging yourself negatively, people will stop judging you negatively.
Another tendency I have is dying my hair. In the past 4 years my hair has been: dark blue, aqua, green, blonde (highlights), light brown, dark brown, black, and I’m going to be dying it an eggplant purple in 2 months. I know this sounds crazy but half the time it was my moms idea. My mom loves doing hair and she has a license to do so but she doesn’t work at salons anymore. The color I have right now is a medium brown which is close to my natural color. I find it as a fun way of expressing myself and changing things up.
Another tendency I have is dying my hair. In the past 4 years my hair has been: dark blue, aqua, green, blonde (highlights), light brown, dark brown, black, and I’m going to be dying it an eggplant purple in 2 months. I know this sounds crazy but half the time it was my moms idea. My mom loves doing hair and she has a license to do so but she doesn’t work at salons anymore. The color I have right now is a medium brown which is close to my natural color. I find it as a fun way of expressing myself and changing things up.
Wednesday, March 7, 2018
Why Today Was Pretty Ok
I came and logged on only to see that yesterday’s blog never posted. Today was going pretty well too. As you may or may not know, I tried for the musical but sadly, I got the role of an extra, not the greatest thing to walk into school to see. Anyways, I decided I was going to quit because there’s more things I could do with my time than be an unnoticed character (yes this all seems dramatic but that’s why I join these things). This teacher is one of my favorites and when I go to her she says “Hi Honey! I know you’re upset about not getting a major role but it’s because I had a bigger job in mind. I want you to be assistant director!” Of course I couldn’t say no to that so I smiled happily and walked away. At first I thought this was her way of keeping me in the musical but then she handed me a script-which is only given to characters with lines- and told me to annotate it and jot down my ideas. I’m more of an acting and singing kind of person but this sounds fun, too. I’m still pretty upset about having a small part but I’ll cry myself a river, build a bridge, and get over it.
Pictures 📸
Tomorrow’s picture day and it’s pretty stressful. My mom is obsessed with these days and has to make me look ‘perfect’. I have to straighten my hair, choose an outfit, and more. I’m typing this late at night, waiting for my sister to come home. Picture day has always been my moms favorite, so it’s a big deal. She has to order every picture and makes a huge deal. I think it’s nothing but I’m scared to say that to her face. Every picture I’ve taken has come out weird. I have the kind of fake smile where you see the lines around my eyes and that’s in every picture. Yet she obsesses over them. What do you do to prepare for picture day?
Monday, March 5, 2018
What to do When Bored
I am the kind of person that’s always bored but easily amused. Here is what I do when I’m bored (it may not work for you because I’m entertained by everything):
- watch t.v.
- color
- write
- read
- talk to someone I haven’t talked to for a while
- download a new game app
- do my makeup
- change into a fancy outfit
- dance like a dork
- memorize song lyrics
- go shopping
- go through baby pictures
- play with old toys
- rearrange my room
- blog
I hope this helps your boredom needs. :)
- watch t.v.
- color
- write
- read
- talk to someone I haven’t talked to for a while
- download a new game app
- do my makeup
- change into a fancy outfit
- dance like a dork
- memorize song lyrics
- go shopping
- go through baby pictures
- play with old toys
- rearrange my room
- blog
I hope this helps your boredom needs. :)
Sunday, March 4, 2018
Mango Smooties
Saturday, March 3, 2018
Why I Should Be On ‘Master Chef Jr’
In 6th grade, I was huge on making mac and cheese as something to eat after school for my sister and I so I made it very often. So I had my pot of the macaroni on the stove, which was on, and started adding the milk, butter, and cheese packet. The first thing I attempted to add was butter, keep in mind-I made mac and cheese very often-and I decided to take a lighter and soften the butter. It was melting nicely and then it set on fire. Yes, the butter was on fire. I’m not sure how that was possible, maybe it was the paper on the butter but there was fire. I dropped it in the pot and everything was ok for a second because the moisture from the pasta contained it to the point a cup of water could probably take it out. Until a piece of macaroni-the smallest piece-that wasn’t cooked fully, set on fire, reigniting the butter fire. I didn’t know what to do and when I tried picking the pot up it was hot because 1. I left the stove on and 2. it was on fire. So I scream for my sister to come and she just screamed. I told her to do something cause she’s older but instead she left me. I grabbed some hand towels and put the pot in the sink and turned it on so it went out. It was a wild ride for an 11 year old and I’m no longer allowed to cook for my sister and I after school.
Friday, March 2, 2018
The Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
I expected today to be great. I thought I was gonna be told if I made the district musical or not. You know what ended up happening? They didn’t even post the list! I was stressed all day about it. I expected my nerves to be calm for the long weekend but no! I have to wait until Tuesday. When they told me I wouldn’t find out for another 3 days, I cried. I’m very dramatic, that’s why I want to be in this. Today was supposed to be amazing but the chances of me getting the lead I wanted are very slim. I’ll follow up on the role I get, saying I do get one, in Tuesday’s blog. That’s basically all that has happened today. :/
Thursday, March 1, 2018
My Slice of a Life :)
Just a quick run through on what the slice of life is: everyday in March I’ll be blogging so that you could see what my life is like on an everyday basis and get to know me better.
Today has been very eventful. It started in art when I was finishing my Winona Ryder scratch board when my art teacher tells me that’s not how I’m supposed to do it. I’m an extremely emotional person, I cry for nothing and when it’s serious and sad, you won’t see a tear from me. I ended up crying just a little because I was stressed for after school. Anyways, I had to restart and I ended up doing the beetlejuice logo because it’s one of my favorite movies. Fast forward to after school, I had an audition for the district musical ‘The Sound of Music Jr.” so I was pretty nervous. Today was the last day for auditions so the list on who got in will be up tomorrow. I’m pretty terrified. I really like acting and singing, I just hope I get a main role. Then my mom picked me up and got me Mr. Sub (one of my favorites). That brings us to here and now, telling you about a slice of my life. :)
Today has been very eventful. It started in art when I was finishing my Winona Ryder scratch board when my art teacher tells me that’s not how I’m supposed to do it. I’m an extremely emotional person, I cry for nothing and when it’s serious and sad, you won’t see a tear from me. I ended up crying just a little because I was stressed for after school. Anyways, I had to restart and I ended up doing the beetlejuice logo because it’s one of my favorite movies. Fast forward to after school, I had an audition for the district musical ‘The Sound of Music Jr.” so I was pretty nervous. Today was the last day for auditions so the list on who got in will be up tomorrow. I’m pretty terrified. I really like acting and singing, I just hope I get a main role. Then my mom picked me up and got me Mr. Sub (one of my favorites). That brings us to here and now, telling you about a slice of my life. :)
Monday, February 26, 2018
In Sickness and in Health
Usually I post about books and my happier side but here’s a more serious/ personal blog. So first I’ll start with sickness. I have a very bad immune system. I was born 2 weeks early and my mom has had troubles in the past with having kids so I was considered a ‘miracle baby’ for staying somewhat healthy (in other words, it could be worse). When I was born they thought something was wrong because I didn’t cry when I came out. Maybe for 2 seconds than I stopped and looked around. I was also born with bad asthma and needed breathing treatments but the need for those have stopped. Eventually as I grew to the age babies would crawl, I didn’t. I butt scooted. My cousins found I hilarious and would race me to see who scooted the fastest (I always won). Then it came to the time where I should start walking, (about 1 year) but I didn’t. I actually didn’t start walking until I was nearly 2, which concerned my mom and resulted in therapy (the therapist actually ended up having me use my facial expressions more often and now whenever I focus really hard on something I’ll end up sticking out my tongue). And for the next 11 years I was a normal kid, extremely clumsy, but normal. As I mentioned in the beginning, my immune system isn’t the best. I’ve actually had surgery before (removal of my adenoids) in hope of catching less colds. It didn’t work, I did stop snoring though, so I guess that’s a plus. In the past year, I’ve gotten sick nearly 15 times (without exaggeration, cold season kills me). I have been getting better, I probably get sick so often because I don’t like vaccines. I hate them actually. Needles are in my top 10 fears. This season (December - February) is when I’m mostly sick. It’s nothing life threatening and it isn’t unbearable. There’s the small things of always being cold (and I am, my hands are always freezing and my body temperature is 96.1-ish) and prone to headaches. It’s something doctors have said I’ll overcome and I hope they’re right. I know this has run long and I hope I didn’t bore you to death but I think it’s important to know a little more about me and why I’m such a homebody.
Thursday, February 1, 2018
Dear Martin
My most recently finished (that’s actually a lie but the other book was a short poetry book) book is called Dear Martin. It’s about this guy, Jus, who is a intelligent young man. Yet he’s the one in handcuffs. This book is sort of like The Hate U Give, but it touches more on racial bias, inequality, and discrimination. Basically, Jus is starting a project where he is writing letters to Martin Luther King Jr. He tells him about his struggles and what’s going on in his life. This book has many plot twists but that’s what makes it so interesting. Read the book to find out more before I spoil it. I definitely recommend it and would give it 5 stars.
Wednesday, January 24, 2018
🌼Imperfect Spiral🌼
Imperfect Spiral is a very emotional story. The main character, Danielle, is babysitting Humphrey, a five year old boy, as a summer job. Her best friend is away as a camp counselor so she does nothing but hang with Humphrey. She taught him how to throw a football and they went to the park together and had the time of their lives. At least up until Humphrey’s life ended. She mourned the little time they had together and although it wasn’t her fault, she feels extremely guilty. While she mourns she meets someone who she didn’t expect to make such a positive impact on her. This book is so good and emotional I loved it.
Also if you want to check out the book, here is an Imperfect Spiral book trailer :)
Wednesday, January 17, 2018
One Special Word
My ‘word of the year’ is accomplish. This sounds like a very basic word to choose but it’s something I really need to work on. It’s my last year in grade school and I plan to make the most of it. I want to get good grades (which, if I’m honest, I don’t have at the moment). I also want to get into my dream school (Chiarts), but it’s very hard to get accepted. If I get in, it’d be a huge accomplishment and milestone in my life. I want to try new things as well! I’m not in any sports, simply because I’m not built for athleticism, but I want to join clubs and have fun this year. Also in the summer, I’m going to be volunteering at a day care that I went to when I was younger so that I have something to do. All this year I want to focus on getting it together, not quitting, and accomplishing my goals.
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