Sunday, March 11, 2018

Do Chickens Blink?

I know this is a very odd blog but I don’t know what to do with this newly learned information.
Chickens have 3 eyelids. Instead of blinking with the top and bottom one, they blink with a side one. The 3rd eyelid is a thin and transparent nictitating membrane eyelid that blinks from left to right. The chicken pulls the third eyelid up over the eye whenever it needs to clear some eye gunk or debris. When it’s not in use, it hides in the corner of the eye closest to the beak. When they’re sleeping, the lower lid is brought up to close the eye. So the top eyelid doesn’t move much at all. Now, if anyone ever asks you the question, ‘do chickens blink?’ You know exactly what to say.


  1. What?! Who thinks of these things! I love the random info though! Thanks

    1. I know right! I was bored one day and decided to look into it.
